
Read so far in 2024


22 August 2024

Book cover of 'Pathways to Bliss' by Joseph Campbell, featuring a classical painting of a person with long curly hair and a halo
Joseph Campbell

Pathways to Bliss

This was at times mindblowing to me. Myths are more than just weird old stories, they help us access our deeper selves and provide a safe space for us. Campbell also talks about comparative religion and the conflict between patriarchal and goddess-worshipping cultures. And so much more... This book opened my mind towards the spiritual world.


6 August 2024

Book cover of 'The War of Art' by Steven Pressfield
Steven Pressfield

The War of Art

This book is a great kick in the behind for everyone who's struggling to actually get around to doing the art they keep postponing, due to blocks, procrastination, fear, etc.

It's crazy when you realise how clever your own brain is thinking up excuses to not do what you actually want to do deep down.


24 July 2024

Book cover of a Norwegian version of Treasure Island
Robert Louis Stevenson

Skatten på sjørøverøya

(Treasure Island)

I got this when I was about 11 years old but didn't manage to get through it at the time, so I thought I'd read it now. The back has several pages of pirate info – ships, weapons, maps, etc – that helps transport our minds to the world of pirates. Take a look at Captain Flint's treasure map here.

Graphic novel

23 July 2024

Book cover of Daniel Clowes: Ghost World
Daniel Clowes

Ghost World

I love Clowes' illustration style and stories where situations, moods and dialogues are depicted realistically. These stories are about a teenage friendship and how 'sticky' and awkward those can be. See some sample panels here.


3 July 2024

Book cover of Tori Amos: Piece by Piece
Tori Amos and Ann Powers

Tori Amos: Piece by Piece

When I got interested in the indie and revival web scene I realised that one of the things I really miss is being a fan surfing the web back then. No algorithms, spending 20 minutes eagerly downloading an mp3 (maybe of a live recording of mediocre quality) and exploring lots of different fan sites. All this made me want to read this book that has been standing unread on my bookshelf since about 2005... The best fansite for a Tori fan back in the 90-00s was The Dent. Check it out – it's still up!


3 May 2024

Book cover of Mytting: Hel ved
Lars Mytting

Hel ved

(Norwegian Wood)

A book about firewood. Chopping it, stacking it, drying it! I'm impressed it's possible to write such an engaging book about a niche interest as firewood. I now feel more knowledgeable in case I will have a fireplace in the future. I was surprised to find out this was translated and apparently became an international bestseller.


24 April 2024

Book cover of Lahlum's book 'Sneen var ren' ('pure as the driven snow')
Hans Olav Lahlum

Sneen var ren

In Norway at Easter, one of the traditions is to read crime novels or follow crime series on TV and radio. Keeping with tradition I picked up this paperback in the bookshop because I was familiar with the writer and the cover was nice. This is a murder mystery set in Oslo during WW2. I wasn't completely hooked on this book but the depiction of the tension between Nazis and non-Nazis during the occupation was interesting.

Graphic novel

26 February 2024

Book cover of Miller's 'Batman: The Dark Knight Returns'
Frank Miller

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns

This was one of many of my unread must-read graphic novels, so I got a used copy on Abe Books (also because I wanted this copy with the cover designed by design hero Chip Kidd). I think I might not have enough knowledge of Batman lore to fully appreciate this. Also, I am probably not a big enough fan of classic superheroes. However, when this came out in 1986 I can imagine it was welcomed by more mature readers who got a darker and more complex Batman story. Batman gets older too!


23 February 2024

Book cover of Gil Broza's 'The Agile Mind-Set. Making Agile Processes Work
Gil Broza

The Agile Mind-Set

I did a course in Agile project management at Udacity and this book was recommended there. It was easy to read and helped really understand the importance of having an Agile mindset (after determining if Agile is even the correct mindset for your situation) for you to be successful implementing Agile processes. Agile can also be applied in aspects of your personal life, not just the professional. Those who like exploring the old web might enjoy seeing that the original Agile Manifesto site from 2001 is still up, featuring a very Photoshop 6.0-looking picture of the fathers of Agile.


18 February 2024

Book cover 'Edderkoppen' by V. Johansen and Pål T. Jørgensen
Viggo Johansen and Pål T. Jørgensen


I found this in a flea market just as I was watching a series ('Makta' – Power Play) about the power struggles in the Norwegian Labour party in the 80s (sounds dull but it was actually very good). This book is about a furniture salesman featured in the series, nicknamed Edderkoppen ('the spider') by the media, and how he for several years manipulated party leaders for his own benefit.

Graphic novel

2 February 2024

Book cover of Moore's 'V for Vendetta'
Alan Moore

V for Vendetta

I read this many years ago and wanted to re-read it now that I am older and wiser. It felt even more relevant now than last time I read it. The illustration is dark and gritty but that suits the content. Artist David Lloyd is still active and co-started online comics mag Aces Weekly. He's the artist behind the Guy Fawkes mask, which is even more widely known than the comic itself.


4 February 2024

book cover of 'The Lean Startup', showing a white circle drawn by a brush on a solid blue background
Eric Ries

The Lean Startup

I read this as it was recommended as extra reading in the Agile course I did at Udacity. It was inspiring to read about the Lean Startup methodology, such as the short feedback loop, etc. These methods makes it feel less overwhelming to build a larger project from a small idea. The book has a lot of information so I made notes whilst reading this to help me understand and remember the content. You can see the notes here. (In progress)

Graphic Novel

15 January 2024

book cover coming
Grant Morrison



13 January 2024

book cover coming
Peter Brest

Vrak og brak

Read in 2023



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Tim Brown

Change by Design



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Erika Hall

Just Enough Research



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Lars Mytting


(The Bell in the Lake)



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Heather Morris

Tatovøren i Auschwitz

(The Tattooist of Auschwitz)



book cover coming
Edvard Hoem

Bror din på prærien



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Frode Grytten




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Chris Ware

Jimmy Corrigan



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Robert Louis Stevenson

The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde & Other Tales



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H. Rider Haggard

King Solomon's Mines



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Annie Ernaux





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Sax Rohmer

The Mystery of Dr Fu-Manchu



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David Bayles & Ted Orland

Art & Fear



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Geoff Colvin

Talent is Overrated



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Roy Jacobsen

Hvitt hav

(White Shadow)



book cover coming
Roy Jacobsen

De usynlige

(The Unseen)



book cover coming
Jules Verne

En verdensomseiling under havet

(Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas)